Blind Rabbit Is Left Alone In A Box With Only His Favorite Stuffed Bunny

Someone in Hemel Hempstead, England, observed a damp cardboard box by the side of the road with a towel put over it and instantly felt compelled to investigate. The Good Samaritan approached and removed the towel, only to be surprised to see a blind senior rabbit snuggled up with a plush bunny.

When the Good Samaritan realized the rabbit, subsequently called Guinness, needed care as soon as possible, he brought him to a nearby clinic and then phoned the RSPCA to see if they might take him in.

Credit: RSPCA

In a news release, Kate Wright, an animal collection officer of the RSPCA, stated, “This poor rabbit must have been terribly afraid to be abondomed out in the cold looke this with just a plush toy for comfort.”

Guinness was particularly devoted to his plush rabbit, almost looke a security blanket, and took great comfort in his cuddly buddy from the minute Wright went out to get him. Guinness’ bunny must accompany him everywhere he goes, since the item plainly makes him feel protected.

Credit: RSPCA

Despite his traggedi, Guinness was in relatively excellent condition, and his rescoers are astounded that the blind rabbit is still so joyful and optimistic despite having been abondomed in such a way.

“Sadly, we do witness individuals dumping their animals in this manner,” Wright added. “We recognize that people’s lives change and they may no longer be able to care for their pets, but dumping an animal is never the answer.”

Credit: RSPCA

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