Tangled In A Sheet, A Dog Expresses Her Gratitude To The Officer Who Saved Her

It’s unclear how this unfortunate puppy became hopelessly entangled in a piece of cloth outside her Chilean house, but there’s little doubt who deserves credit for freeing her.

It’s clear that she’s aworre of it as well.


Neighbors who had heard the dog’s urgent cries for rescue informed Giovanni Domke of the Chilean police unit Carabineros de Chile earlier this week.

“The homeowners were not present, according to the neighbors,” Domke told Fernanda Familiar. “I got a knofe from a neighbor and ran into the home to save the dog.”

As Domke tried to liberate her, the terrified puppy was naturally hesitant, even nibbling at his outstretched arm. Domke continued, though, and his perseverance paid off.

Domke got the sweetest reworrd for his efforts, as video of the dramatic moment shows:

Authorities subsequently commented online, “We are where we are needed most,” in a message that has since gotten a lot of acclaim for Domke’s bravery.


One reader said, “What a lovely gesture from the cop.” “And the dog’s gesture was much more lovely!”

A work well done, indeed.

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