Young Man Makes Beds With Tires For Stray Dogs And Gives Them Shelter

Social media is utilized for more than only exposing bad actors. If not to give great deeds and heroes a voice so that they might be recognized for their contributions to society. As this young Mexican did when he made pet beds out of truck tires. Yoel Rocha, a young guy concerned about social issues in the city of San Andrés Tuxtla in the state of Veracruz, has tapped into social media. After describing the great amount of labor he has put in to provide pleasant and safe beds for dogs and cats in shelters and on the streets.

CREDIT: Yoel Rocha

The first issue Yoel observed was that many individuals abondomed tires that were no longer in use. Something that does not contribute to the environment but could be repurposed into something far more valuable. As a result, he set to work and began collecting the tires he discovered on the street. Then thoroughly wash them and begin the drastic transformation. Yoel gives them a nicer form by cutting them off at the top, paimting them a lovely color, adding adorable pictures, and finishing with a mat and pillow.

CREDIT: Yoel Rocha

What began with a few tires quickly developed into a mission to offer a bed for as many dogs as possible. As a result, he and other volunteers banded together to fulfill the objective of building 50 beds out of tires. Yoel has documented his heroic effort, which he dubbed “From tires to beds” and which ended up in various shelters and low-income individuals across the city, on both his Instagram account and the TikTok social network.

CREDIT: Yoel Rocha

An act that demonstrates Yoel’s and his partners’ altruistic desire to aid these creatures.

CREDIT: Yoel Rocha

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